Klung K7 Electric Vehicel 64.4kwh 203kw 2x4/4x4


LXWXH:4880mm / 1896mm / 1450mm
wheelbase : 2998mm
whee track :1615mm / 1621mm
Seats :5
cargo space:440L
rear motor 2x4 ,6.4 seconds for 0-100km/h
The second generation permanent magnet synchronous motor
rear motor 203kW/272PS   440N·m
TOP Speed :200km/h
Liquid-cooled constant temperature ternary lithium battery pack (IP68 dustproof and waterproof)  64.4kwh
low temperature battery heating device
550km(NEDC Comprehensive working conditions)13kwh/100km
DC fast charging time (30% to 80% )≥48min
AC charging time ≥5.7h
front double wishbone independent/Rear five-link independent suspension
Front and rear ventilated Brembo disc brakes
Brake energy recovery mode: high / low
drag coefficient 0.236  dry weight: 2005kg. total weight : 2415kg 


XPILOT 智能辅助驾驶系统 Intelligent Assisted Driving System

硬件系统  hardware

处理器 CPU

Xavier 超级计算平台

高精毫米波雷达* high precision milimeter wave radar


超声波传感器 ultrasonic  sensor


环视摄像头 surround view camera


高感知摄像头* high perception camera


亚米级高精定位系统  Sub-meter high-precision positioning system

智能辅助驾驶系统 Intelligent Assisted Driving System

辅助驾驶模拟显示系统   analog display system

ACC自适应巡航 adaptive cruise control

LCC车道居中辅助  Lane centering assist

ALC智能辅助变道 intellgent assisted lane change

ATC自适应弯道巡航  adaptive curve cruise

CCS定速巡航 cruise control

超级智能辅助泊车 super intellgent assisted parking

智能安全系统   intelligent safety system

前向碰撞预防  forward collison prevention

· FDM前向车距监测  Forward distance montoring

· FCW前向碰撞预警*  Forward collision warning

· AEB自动紧急制动* automatic emergency brake

侧向碰撞预防  side collision prevention

· BSD盲区监测预警 blind spot monitoring and warning

· DOW车门开启预警 Door open warning

· LDW车道偏离预警*  lance departure waring .

后向碰撞预防  rear collision prevention

· RCW后向碰撞预警  rear collision warning

· RCTA后方横向来车预警 rear cross traffic warning

TSR交通标志识别** traffic signal recorgnition

透明底盘 transparent chassis

360°全景可视泊车辅助系统 panoramic view parking assist system

后倒车影像带泊车辅助线 rear reversing image with parking assist line

Xmart OS车载智能系统   vehicle smart system

手机App远程操控 phone app remote control

Wi-Fi / 4G网络连接 wifi /4G net connection

14.96英寸“2K+”触控屏  touchscreen

10.25英寸高清全液晶智能仪表 HD Full LED smart meter

车载蓝牙4.0  vehicle bluetooth 4.0

128GB存储空间  128GB storage

信息娱乐  information entertainment

车载游戏 vehicle game

车载应用商城 vehicle app store

在线内容服务 online content service

整车OTA升级服务vehicle OTA upgrade service

远程诊断系统 remote diagnostic system

超级充电服务  super charging service

AI智能  AI intellegent

哨兵模式 sentinel mode

全语音车载系统   Full voice vehicel system

“你好 小P”AI智能助理  AI smart assistant

小P智能推荐服务 intelligent recommendation service

迎宾模式 welcome model

冥想模式  meditation mode

智能寻车  smart car search

智能导航  smart navigation

X_ID账号服务 account service

智能音乐座舱  Smart Music Cockpit

丹拿Dynaudio剧院级音响系统(原装进口18扬声器,7.1.2声道,DTS Neural:X沉浸式音效技术)Dynaudio theater-level sound system (originally imported 18 speakers, 7.1.2 channels, DTS Neural: X immersive sound technology)

Xpeng高级环绕音响系统(8扬声器)Xpeng premium surround sound system (8 speakers)

Xpeng高级音响系统(4扬声器)Xpeng premium surround sound system (4 speakers)

车载K歌 Car Karaoke

智能车语 smart car language

环绕式情境律动氛围灯 Surrounding situational rhythm ambient light

整车音乐环绕声场控制 Vehicle music surround sound field control

座椅材质 seats materials


premium leather

●高级真皮premium leather

蓝牙数字钥匙 bluetooth digital key

NFC数字钥匙  NFC digital key

外部配置  external configration

无框车门 frameless door

鹏翼门(前门剪刀式电动开合,带避障功能) Pengyi door (scissor type electric opening and closing of the front door, with obstacle avoidance function)

全景玻璃车顶 panoramic glass roof

后排隐私玻璃  rear row privacy glass

隐藏式电动门把手 Concealed electric door handle

自感应全LED前大灯(带转向辅助照明)Self-sensing full LED headlights (with steering auxiliary lighting)

光剑2.0 LED贯穿灯 Lightsaber 2.0 LED Penetrating Light


LED日间行车灯 LED daytime running lights

便利化充电套件 convenience charging kit2

续航增程包 battery life extension package3

单相交流充电模式  single-phase AC charging model

电动充电口(电动开启、自动关闭)electric charging port (electric opening,automatic closing )

慢充预约保温 Slow charging and heat preservation

四门智能升降车窗带防夹功能 Four-door intelligent lift window with anti-pinch function

电动外后视镜 electric external rearview mirror

电动外后视镜带折叠加热记忆 Electric exterior mirrors with folding heated memory

无钥匙进入和启动 keyless entry and start

离车自动落锁 departure automatic lock

内部配置 internal feature

前门迎宾饰条  front door welcome trim

3D触控多功能真皮方向盘(4向可调)3D touch multifunctional leather steering wheel( 4way adjustable  )

手机无线充电(支持快充)mobile wireless charging (support fast charging )

车载电源(12V)car power  (12v)

USB接口 USB  interface


空调 air conditioner

Xfreebreath智能空气净化系统(PM2.5检测与净化/等离子净化杀菌/车外尾气监测/自干燥防霉)Intelligent air purification system (PM2.5 detection and purification/plasma purification and sterilization/exhaust gas monitoring outside the vehicle/self-drying and anti-mildew)

双温区自动空调(带花粉过滤)double temp zone automatic air conditioning (with power filter )

隐藏式空调出风口 concealed air conditioner outlet

后排出风口 rear row air outlet

高温抑菌 High temperature antibacterial

座椅  seats

驾驶席座椅8向电动调节 driver seats 8 way electric adjustment

驾驶席座椅腰托4向电动调节  driver seats waist support 4 way electric adjustment

副驾驶席座椅6向电动调节  6-way electric adjustment of the passenger seat

前排座椅加热 front row seats heating

驾驶席座椅通风  driver seat ventilation .

驾驶席座椅位置记忆  driver seat position memory

后排座椅放倒 rear row seats laydown

后排扶手带杯架 rear armrest with cup holder

安全配置 safety confirguration

防眩目内后视镜   Anti-glare interior rearview mirror


前/后排头部气囊(气帘)Front/rear head airbags (curtain airbags)

主/副驾驶座安全气囊  driver/passenger safety airbag

前排侧气囊  front row side airbag

ESP9.3车身稳定系统  body stabilization system

i-booster智能制动助力 smart brake booster

EPB电子驻车制动 electronic parking brake


Brembo(布雷博)制动系统brake system

前驻车雷达/侧驻车雷达front/side parking radar

后驻车雷达 rear parking radar

TPMS胎压监测装置 TPMS tire pressure monitoring device

MSB电动安全带(带碰撞预警) electric safety belt (with collision precaution )

主驾预紧限力式安全带 Driver's pre-tensioned force-limiting seat belt

副驾预紧限力式安全带 Passenger's pre-tensioned force-limiting seat belt

后排左/右侧预紧限力式安全带 rear row left and ring pre-tensioned force-limiting seat belt

后排中间3点式紧急锁止式安全带  rear row middle 3 points emergence locking seat belt

前后排安全带未系提醒 Front and rear seat belt not fastened reminder

ISO FIX儿童安全座椅固定装置  children safety seat anchorage

电子儿童锁 electronic children lock

低速行人提示音(多种可选)low speed pedestrain waring sound

ETC车载装置 ETC vehicel deivce

随车工具包  car kit

XPILOT 3.0软件及升级服务4 software upgrade service

高速NGP智能导航辅助驾驶  high speed  smart navagation  auxiliary  drive

SR环境模拟显示 SR environment analog display

停车场记忆泊车 stop memory parking

IHB智能远光灯  IHB smart high beam

智能音乐座舱增强套件  smart music cockpit enhancement suit

智能音乐座舱增强套件 smart music cockpit enhancement suit


丹拿Dynaudio剧院级音响系统(原装进口18扬声器,7.1.2声道,DTS Neural:X沉浸式音效技术)Dynaudio theater-level sound system (originally imported 18 speakers, 7.1.2 channels, DTS Neural: X immersive sound technology)

智能音乐座舱专属主题(炫酷黑或运动红) Smart music cockpit exclusive theme (cool black or sports red)

Nappa真皮座椅  Nappa leather seats

外观颜色  Exterior color

星云白 nebula white


星辰红 star red

月光银 moonlight silver

天辰灰 Celestial gray


暗夜黑 dark night

超闪绿 super flash green

轮毂样式 rim style

18英寸星云轮毂nebula rim(245/50 R18)

19英寸双色运动轮毂 two-colors sports rim(245/45 R19)


19英寸全黑运动轮毂 all black sports rim(245/45 R19)

座舱主题 cockpit theme

时尚橙 fashionable orange

典雅米 elegant rice

炫酷黑 cool black

智能音乐座舱专属主题(炫酷黑或运动红)Smart music cockpit exclusive theme (cool black or sports red)

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